Fatin Khorshid

King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

Title: A Case Report Highlighting Effects of PMF Capsules on a Lung Cancer Patient


This case highlighted the tremendous improvement experienced in a patient with Lung Cancer treated when conventional treatments were combined with PMF capsules. We, therefore, conclude from what is observed and suggest a possible link between PMF and PMF Capsules in this patient’s tremendous improvement from Lung Cancer. Further research is necessary including case series documentation to further reinforce the hypothesis that can be proven in larger case-control or cohort studies. Our case demonstrated improvement in the management of  Lung Cancer using PMF capsules. PMF is alcoholic extract from camel urine.


Prof. Khorshid joined the faculty of Science at KAU in 2010 where she is a Professor of Cell Biology and Cell Engineering. Prof. Khorshid pioneered a new treatment for the tumor spreading and translocation. This treatment is capable of caused selective programmed cell death of cancer cells (apoptosis) which include human six types of cancer cells, while it has a reparative effect on normal human cells.
It is expected that this work will lead to development of novel therapeutic targets and successful alternative anticancer agent or at least to work as adjuvant drug with other regimens like chemotherapy or radiotherapy which is possible for the first time. Concurrently, Prof. Khorshid has gained many international and local awards and she also has granted patents from US Patent office No. US 10.624,927 B2 at 21/04/2020; European patent office, No. 09162954.3 from EPO at 07/01/2015; and from GCC Patent Office, No. (GC0002755) 12/30/2013.